Well today I opened the front door to this marvelous sight.
The snow started around 6:30am and continued until sometime after 12:30pm. The weatherman predicted somewhere between 3-5 inches of snow. So I had a little bit of a snow day for myself.The was Lynn's first real snow day. There was a day back in December when we got some flurries that didn't last, but she was asleep during that 15 minute fall. So around noon I bundled Lynn and myself up for a trip out to the snow.
As you can see from the picture she was not sure what to make of the white things falling from the sky.
Our neighbor let us borrow a sled, and his daughter Charlotte pulled Lynn around on the snow covered sidewalk.
We ended up going in when Lynn's hands started to turn pink, before anybody gets any ideas I did have mitts for my lovely daughter. She, as I found out recently, has outgrown them. I am now digging up a mitt pattern for me to knit up for next time we go out.