Sunday, May 21, 2006


I got free fiber today. :):):):):):):):):):):):)
Where I work does a employee craft sale twice? a year. This weekend was the spring craft sale. I always like going even if I don't have any money, though I feel down about not being able to buy some of the lovely things I see.
Well one of the booths I love to go and admire is a lady the spins some of the yarn from our sheep. She normally weaves shawls, or spins while she is there. She spins for therapy as I do believe she has rheumatory arthritis. She does not knit or crochet. She gave me some her spun yarn to make something out of it since I knit. So know I am trying to think of what to knit, the first thing that comes to mind is a hat and maybe some mitts. I will have to make sure I have enough yarn, I might even end up using a bit of accent color to make the yarn last. Oh the color... well it is a simple that I think of it I think I will use a different color for the cuffs and brim.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I need to get out and take some pics of my ufo's.
Maybe I will do that when my hubby gets home.
The one I am working on today is a shawl that when finished the back will go done to almost mid-calf.
I am using Lamb's Pride worsted and just winging the pattern.